Lucy’s First Year
Lucy’s First Year (Sewing Lab)
Below is a post originally released in November 2015. I was so proud of my subscription rate, especially since it was Lucy’s First Year. I never dreamed in a million years I would have more subscribers than my email program would find impressive! They actually think the number is troublesome! RUDE, isn’t it?
I LOVE MY subscribers!
You all are so loyal and dedicated! I love you for hanging in there with me. Since April 2015 when the site launched and I started my first real serious blog, 3,000 of you wonderful readers have enjoyed my space on the internet enough to subscribe. THANK YOU SO MUCH! We are growing so rapidly I’ve had to upgrade software. We are growing, keep coming back, you can look forward to a members only area soon with paid tutorials as well as FREE tutorials of my own designs.
So, it’s almost six months later and I haven’t accomplished everything on my to do list, but my site does look amazing, I think so anyway! “The Lab” has 8 current categories
I really look forward to sharing more with you as the years pass. ENJOY