Sewing Studio Organization

Sewing studio organization is the hardest thing for me.  Not the organizing, the keeping it that way!  I know I am not alone.  I wonder how many days it takes for people to get their studio picture perfect to post?  I’ve been working on mine about three days now. I smelled something so I’ve washed all my fabric!  I have been clearing out what cannot or will not be used. It’s a chore, but I’ll be in paradise when it’s complete.  I’m going to work hard at keeping my studio camera ready![envira-gallery id="2011"]
[envira-gallery slug="the-lab"]

Because when I was writing this my lab looked like this.[envira-gallery id="2013"]
[envira-gallery slug="cluttered-lab"]

I’ve stumbled upon some great tips:

  1. Wall organization for new projects, works in progress and completed.
  2. I found an entire series about studio appearance here.
  3. One blog, said do not keep scraps.  When you are finished, throw them away. This is probably the best idea ever.  I have totes full of leftovers.  Recently I deep cleaned and cleared out a few large garbage bags full of these scraps. I’m sorry, it was a while back so I can’t link the blog.
  4. Take inventory of all fabric and patterns.  WOW!  What a timesaver.
  5. I saw a meme once that said I have so much fabric I need a librarian to keep it in order.  This is no joke!  It’s amazing how fast things accumulate!

These are the things I do personally:

  1. I use huge totes, the plastic containers with lids, for 1/4yard and more scraps.  I place them in zip lock baggies inside the tote for better organization.
  2. I do not like to have my fabric on display, I feel it gets dusty and needs to be washed.  All fabric is stored in cabinets, containers, and closets.
  3. I have a container with drawers next to my sewing machine.  I use this space for fabric I’m most likely to use next.
  4. My sewing tables have drawers as well.  I use those for emergency items!
    1. the pattern you are working on
    2. notions
    3. trim
    4. bobbins
    5. seam rippers
    6. lace (because I love it so much I want it close to me)
  5. I have a wish list design wall for inspiration.
  6. If I’m going to make something using a pattern, I cut out all the pieces at once and discard the blank parts.  This keeps patterns small enough not to have to fight to make the pattern fit back into the envelope when you are finished using it.

After a little more work, my lab is coming together nicely. Check my Photo Journal for more presentable photos.  ENJOY!

Studio Decor on the Cheap

The most fun I have had remodeling my studio is the decorating part. Let's admit it, wall decor is expensive!  Plus, I couldn't really find what I wanted to use. What's a girl to do who wants studio decor on the cheap?  Of course, make her own!  What?  I want something cool, not homemade!  One day while surfing my groups on Facebook, I saw where someone had sewn a retro pattern.  DING, DING, DING!  I could purchase retro patterns on Ebay! Not really so cheap.  Pretty cheap, but I wanted cheaper!

Shazam!  I can use the pictures of the patterns. Hmmmm…..time for a visit to Pinterest.  I created a pretty good size board.

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Then, I saved the images I wanted to print.  You can do this by right clicking and select save image.  Next, I imported them into my Walgreens account.

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They have a great deal on 4×5 prints. The Dollar Tree is my one stop shop for picture frames for my studio decor on the cheap.

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These turned out really good and look amazing in my Studio.


I think next I’ll use Vogue magazine covers and create 8×10 photos too! [envira-gallery id="827"]
[envira-gallery slug="vintage-mags"]

Whatever you do, or however you decorate, ENJOY!

Creating Lucy’s Sewing Lab


So, my friend gave me this awesome furniture for Lucy’s Sewing Lab!  But, I really have a dislike for white anything. Lacquer finish on top of white paint poses a few problems.  Number one, paint doesn’t adhere to lacquer.

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So, after a little research and a trip to Home Depot, a can of Zinsser primer tinted grey, and hard work. [envira-gallery id="710"]
[envira-gallery slug="primer-shelves"]Next time, I’ll take my time and remove the shelves 🙂  Painting those shelves, another story! The primer dried quite fast.  My excitement overcame me and the BLACK paint soon covered my furniture.  I used a foam roller and foam brush.  You know, the ones from any craft store for under a dollar?[envira-gallery id=”3528″] It is really humid this week in Oklahoma.  Drying time lasted forever and when it dried, I did not like it.  The paint was not black enough.  Can you believe that’s a thing?  Not black enough!  More painting research determined Lucy’s Sewing Lab required GLOSS paint.  Not just gloss paint, but high gloss paint!  I think at this point I started going into an OCD coma because I was obsessed with finding the perfect paint for this furniture.  Mainly, I think exhaustion played a major role. I wanted this furniture finished, yesterday! I had a driving force.  I could not sew anything until this furniture dried.  We love our fabrics!  Black glossy paint on my fabrics?  Not. Going to. Happen.  EVER! [envira-gallery id="713"]
[envira-gallery slug="black-gloss"]  

While waiting for the paint to cure, I browsed the internet a little. I wanted more ideas on what to do with my room.  I found a few that really inspired.  I love this home office! I wanted something, more, you know, more POW….more defined color and contrast.  This room is amazing!  All the storage space and ideas blow me away.  Maybe you can search and find your dream lab?



Lucy’s Sewing Lab

When I bought my first sewing machine after not sewing for about 25 or so years, I had no idea what I needed to make my lab a paradise.
[envira-gallery slug=”lucys-initial-sewing-lab”]
I knew I needed a sewing machine and a table. So, that is pretty much where I started.

As my projects grew my supplies began to outgrow the teeny space. The room next door was larger, had more windows, and wonderful storage. The only problem, the room was neon green with carpeting. I worked really hard, removed the carpet to reveal a nice wood floor. The walls, were another challenge. I covered them with fabric using spray adhesive. It seemed like a great idea and quick way to cover the green walls. [envira-gallery id=”649″]
[envira-gallery slug=”second-attempt-at-a-sewing-lab”]

The closet doors do not close anymore. A great, or so I thought, solution was to place my sewing table against them. The doors, were not attractive. Yes, I took over a teenage girl’s bedroom! So far I was pretty happy though. I had more space and that is really all that mattered to me.

Until I moved things from the other room, such as the curtains. This became a real issue, they didn’t fit the window. So, I could make more right? I wish! The fabric was now out of print. 🙁 [envira-gallery id=”653″]
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As you can see by the mess on the cutting table, I didn’t really care if the curtains fit or not. I was still sewing!

The next problem for any seamstress is storage. Sewing requires places to store all the supplies. With supplies in their place, the room looks presentable and everyone is happy. As you can see, organization and storage in this room required a huge overhaul.
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No, the room isn’t completely decorated. But, I was still chugging away and sewing my little heart out. One day a friend called to tell me about her garage sale. Not much for sale really just some furniture from her daughter’s room. She thought I needed. The next thing I knew, she sent me a picture of this furniture.
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WOW! Almost perfect….I’m not a fan of white. Anything looks better with new paint! That furniture would be black in no time!

While shopping for the black paint, I found a can of OOPS paint. It just happened to be pink…and five dollars. Who could resist? Next thing I knew, the ugly, wrong shade of pink fabric was pulled off the walls and the new color applied. I liked the way it looked! So, I headed back to the store for more.

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You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see more of the lab transformation.

Until then…ENJOY!