The most fun I have had remodeling my studio is the decorating part. Let's admit it, wall decor is expensive! Plus, I couldn't really find what I wanted to use. What's a girl to do who wants studio decor on the cheap? Of course, make her own! What? I want something cool, not homemade! One day while surfing my groups on Facebook, I saw where someone had sewn a retro pattern. DING, DING, DING! I could purchase retro patterns on Ebay! Not really so cheap. Pretty cheap, but I wanted cheaper!
Shazam! I can use the pictures of the patterns. Hmmmm…..time for a visit to Pinterest. I created a pretty good size board.
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Then, I saved the images I wanted to print. You can do this by right clicking and select save image. Next, I imported them into my Walgreens account.
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They have a great deal on 4×5 prints. The Dollar Tree is my one stop shop for picture frames for my studio decor on the cheap.
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These turned out really good and look amazing in my Studio.
I think next I’ll use Vogue magazine covers and create 8×10 photos too! [envira-gallery id="827"]
[envira-gallery slug="vintage-mags"]
Whatever you do, or however you decorate, ENJOY!