by Dave | Jun 30, 2016 | Beginner Tips, Blog, Experimentation, Lucy's Sewing Lab, Reviews, Tools and Technique
So it seemed like to me it’s been a while since I’ve done a review.
Tutorials, what a great topic to do reviews. The Internet definitely has a vast assortment of websites for sewing tutorials. But, just because there is a large variety does not mean they are all equally fulfilling your needs when learning to sew. Everyone can go on YouTube search and videos of sewing tutorials. That’s one way to get started.
You can just look at to learn about sewing. Wikipedia will tell you about sewing, sewing machines, searchers scissors everything you need to know. But without a really good tutorial site to guide you through or hands on training, learning the art of sewing is not exactly easy. There are lots of methods from cutting up tee shirts for patterns, e patterns, and the old stand by paper patterns. Everyone eventually finds their way in or around sewing. When I started sewing again I just sewed. I sewed lines, curves, pillows, pockets, things like that just to get back in the groove. Moving on to patterns, the real deal I used some of the sites below.
Some of my Personal Favorites
When I first started sewingI discovered Melly! Her site is amazing, she covers it all! Those projects will keep anyone busy for quite some time. Have fun sewing, cut up clothing from the thrift store and make something new, it doesn’t matter always how the project turns out. It’s great to have fun.
Threads magazine is another great tutorial they focus more on fit and technique. Their series, “Teach yourself to Sew” benefits the beginner.
Craftsy is a great place to go, they have both free and paid tutorials.
Tutorials for Appliqué Templates and Designs and tons of other fun projects abound. She has pages and pages of fun projects. The sewing machine needs you to mess with it, and that is what her site is about sewing a little of this and a little of that. She has a great whimsical area on her website, So Can She .
One day I found an overwhelming amount of information. If that is what you are looking for, All FREE sewing is your new home. All free sewing is an example of a wonderful tutorial site, they take you from objects they don’t have to be sewn all the way through bridal wear.
Melly’s tutorials are wonderful! She is thorough, imaginative, and can get you through pretty much anything.I like the way her site is set out, the site is easy to read easy-to-follow and includes email for subscriptions.
Of course Pinterest has tons ideas tutorials and such the one I use the most is Colette. She has authored a few books that I enjoyed reading as well.
by Dave | Jan 26, 2016 | Beginner Tips, Lucy's Sewing Lab, Reviews
It’s so confusing, which should I buy? The Serger or Overlock machine, which one do I need most? It’s a hard decision, both do basically the same thing. They perform finishing stitches. A serger performs one task perfectly–overlocking, cutting and finishing seams in one step.
The real difference is with the make and model of the serger. Some have 8 spools of thread. WOW how confused can one person be? From what I have been told the number of spools increase the number of stitches the machine is capable of doing. On that note the serger handles knits superbly.
An overlock describes it’s main use, to finish edges with the overlock stitch. They have fewer spools of thread, and less decorative stitches. It does not have a cutting attachment.
here they are having a discussion about the differences and the ones they prefer most. If you don’t care about people’s opinion, I found a great blogger who explains the machines very well. Over at SergerPro they advise finding a serger easy enough for anyone to manipulate. I agree whole heartedly!! Automatic or color-coded features are recommended for threading. Of course I’m a penny pincher and I would choose the cheapest one on the market.
aking a final decision on the serger sewing machine starts with knowledge of the most important factors needed in a quality machine. The top serger machine will be easy enough for even an amateur to manipulate. It should have an acceptable differential feed for material versatility along with automatic or color-coded threading features. The serger will have the appropriate number of threads as well as various stitching styles. Along with offering helpful attachments, the machine should be reasonably priced considering how it will be used. I look for FAST machines. I love being able to sew my clothing at a rate to wear it the same day I start if I want. At the time of this blog, I found the Brother 1034D was the top seller.
With the SINGER 14CG754 ProFinish and the JUKI MO644D Portable Serger close behind. I would have to study the machines and their options a lot closer to make a decision. My heart says SINGER, that’s all I’ve ever used. That doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. You can find a great article here comparing options, price, and brand. I hope you find the serger machine of your dreams and ENJOY!
by Dave | Dec 9, 2015 | Beginner Tips, Blog, Lucy's Sewing Lab, Reviews
As sewists, are we continually researching and Right now I am enduring the Janome, Singer comparison. Are either superior machines to the one we use the most? Right now I’m smack dab in the middle of a Janome or Singer Heavy Duty comparison. I own the boastful best machine according to the best of list here. I love my Singer, really I do. But, we seem to fight a lot. She’s not enough for me. I work that poor girl to death and beyond. I need a machine that can handle the pressure I put on it. You and your machine become like an old married couple. It is very important to do a lot of research and analyze your needs prior to purchase.
- WHY? Where will I find the time and why am I really considering buying a sewing machine? Some of us came back from a sewing hiatus although many more are fresh beginners. For this very reason, learn from my mistakes. Purchase the best machine with the fewest options. Learning to sew is hard enough. Learning all the functions adds to the complications. Unless you are planning to make everything in the world, a basic machine is more than enough.
- If your plan is to make a career change, a basic machine is going to frustrate you. Most prefer an overlock machine for speed and complicated projects, otherwise go back to plan A.
- You can always upgrade later, and most sewists own more than one sewing machine to meet all their needs.
- HOW? How much can you afford to spend without feeling guilty if you are not sewing 24/7? I set my limit around $150. I really wanted that pretty black computerized anniversary edition Singer machine. It didn’t fit my budget, and it did not have the options I was looking for in a machine. A lot of machines are plastic, I am sorry about this especially when that plastic costs $100 and up. I made a list of the things I “thought” I needed in a sewing machine.
- I wanted state of the art
- New and fancy
- Pretty
- Which should I choose? Janome or a Singer
- Yes, I’m shallow and didn’t think beyond those things. The machine I balked at, was my second purchase, and I never use the fancy pretty state of the art computerized machine.
- WHO This is often more a sentimental answer than logical. Without a doubt I was only looking at Singer machines. To me, they are the only machine, lol. I learned on them and felt a certain comfort using a singer.
- Learn about the different brands prior to purchase. The Sewing Machine Wizard, found here is the most informative site I’ve found. Real people tell you what they love and hate about their choice of machine.
I was curious about why my designer friend used a Janome not a Singer
I did my own research and actually, sad for me, because I wanted a reason for another machine, my Heavy Duty Singer outperforms the Janome of the same class. Sewing is an art and no two people are going to have exactly the same opinion on sewing machine.
Janome, Singer Comparison
- Best Reviews– made a great comparison chart for similar Janome and Singer machines.
- Singer’s selling point is the 1,110 stitches a minute. I love sewing fast 🙂
- Janome paled in comparison, their strongest point being ease of use.
- The Singer sales currently on Amazon for $126 and the Janome for $135. Fewer options and a higher price? I’m sticking with my Singer, for now.
- Amazon– came up with completely different results via purchasers reviews. It was a Brother and Singer war. Still the Singer 4423 ranked 3 while the Janome 2212 came in eleventh.
- Everyone has their own opinion based on their needs. Today, until I have about $400 to blow, I’ll stick with my Heavy Duty Singer. At least now I know my machine is superior.
by Dave | Nov 24, 2015 | Blog, Lucy's Sewing Lab, Reviews
Hancock Pre-Black Friday
Hancock Pre-Black Friday sales are nothing short of spectacular! Do not miss the pink tag sale items. Today I bought bead strands in the pink sale items for 25 cents each! You better belive, I stocked up. They also had earrings, home decor, and tons more things to purchase for dirt cheap! The coupons for this sale are such an extra bonus I couldn’t believe it!

Black Friday is one of my favorite days of the year! I realize this does not hold true for everyone a lot of people’s favorite thing of the year is to avoid Black Friday. I posted JoAnn’s goodies earlier, you can compare the prices for your own shopping pleasure. Hancock Fabric’s Understands……No One has to wait for Black Friday or Regret missing sales! Start shopping now, Look at what Hancock Fabrics has to offer!
November 19 to December 2 (Avoid Black Friday sale)
Visit all the juicy details
- Entire stock of novelty cotton prints
- Licensed Character Fabrics including fleece, cotton, and flannel (wonderful for all those children’s items begging for the Christmas Tree)
- Entire stock of accent pillows (faster to buy the accent pillows as gifts at 40% off than handmade)
- Cotton quilting prints ( I don’t know if you ever thought about this, but this fabric is amazing for curtains, throw pillows, children’s room decor, the list goes on and on)
- Batiks
- Throw blankets (again, you can purchase faster than making them)
- Utility panels
- earrings
- Apparel lace and trim by the yard ( we all love to get a little gussied up around the holidays, don’t we?)
- Baskets
- Buttons
- Sewing Baskets (for the sewist on your list this year)
- flannel (wonderful for sleepwear as well as apparel)
- Faux fur (all the rage and looks great on blankets)
- Denim (too many uses to list, and while it’s on sale, buy some extra, this is a staple)
- All Christmas home accents (everyone likes adding a few new things to their festive decor, right?)
- Social and Career fabrics (parties, work, work parties, it’s on sale)
- Home Decor fabrics
- Christmas fabric (perfect if you wanted to make some throw pillows of your own or coordinating dresses)
40% off is just the beginning…..look at some of the 50% off offerings
- Denim
- All Christmas home accents
[envira-gallery id="2433"]
[envira-gallery slug="hancock-non-black-friday"]
- Social and Career fabrics
- Home Decor fabrics
- Christmas fabric
by Dave | Nov 20, 2015 | Beginner Tips, Blog, Fashion, Inspiration, Lucy's Sewing Lab, Reviews
I surf the web quite a bit, the blogs incorporating inspirational, fashionable, tutorials are my favorites! I don’t know about you, but I get inspired with other people’s creations. Fashion sewing blogs keep me on my toes. I take it all as a challenge. My ultimate favorite is not even aimed at the sewing community.
Who, What, Wear is a daily inspiration. I especially love the fashion trends section.
Inspirational Sewing Related Blogs
Colertterie: Has been mentioned many times on my blog. I love her instructional manner. I read her book! I seriously went to the library and checked it out. She is such an inspiration. Make a wardrobe that’s truly yours. That is exactly what I love about her! She doesn’t want you as a clone of her, she wants you to learn and be your own person.
Dixie DIY: Is inspirational, I love how she mixes a circle skirt with a sweatshirt, but for the most part, we don’t share the same style. Which is fine. The completed projects section is a great place to start if you are looking for overall ideas.
Cloth Habit: I love to dream that one day I won’t even need Victoria’s Secret. Well, so far in my few attempts, they have nothing to worry about.
Ladybird: Is not only inspirational she’s quite the teacher as well. Check this out, she goes into great detail about how to create your own personal croquis.[envira-gallery id="2415"]
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Julia bobbin: I love this blog. Not only does she look cute and hip, she can sew! She’s also into pop culture and shows the reader how to make things you see people wearing on TV. An actual “as seen on TV” blog lol. You, too, can look like Jess from New Girl, or someone from Mad Men, who cares? She has great sew alongs as well. Check her out!
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Erica B. : Look at that ^^^^^^^^ love at first site. If you need me, I’ll be over at her place. I want to know the art of cultivating a stylish wardrobe! I know how I do it, but WOW, someone with blog I can relate to…YESSSSS! She sews like I do by looking through fashion mags. LOVE
WOW, if you have not hung out on any of these blogs, I hope you do now! Enjoy!
by Dave | Nov 16, 2015 | Blog, Lucy's Sewing Lab, Reviews
This is an awesome creative blog. So Can She is one of the more talented people and has great tutorials! I know a lot of people who would love to have a cool cosmetic bag for Christmas like this! [envira-gallery id="2407"]
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The best part is that right NOW she has an awesome giveaway going on that anyone would be lucky to get. HURRY though, it’s almost over. Sorry, I just found out about it myself. But, if you hurry and enter, you can……
Win a huge package of goodies
from Thermoweb!
Prizes are amazing![envira-gallery id="2410"]
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I’m currently making some Christmas presents using Thermoweb. I don’t think you can make purses that are going to last very long without this tool. It makes what you create more durable and gives the item shape. I want to thank So Can She for offering this giveaway. Now hurry and enter!