When I bought my first sewing machine after not sewing for about 25 or so years, I had no idea what I needed to make my lab a paradise.
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I knew I needed a sewing machine and a table. So, that is pretty much where I started.
As my projects grew my supplies began to outgrow the teeny space. The room next door was larger, had more windows, and wonderful storage. The only problem, the room was neon green with carpeting. I worked really hard, removed the carpet to reveal a nice wood floor. The walls, were another challenge. I covered them with fabric using spray adhesive. It seemed like a great idea and quick way to cover the green walls. [envira-gallery id=”649″]
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The closet doors do not close anymore. A great, or so I thought, solution was to place my sewing table against them. The doors, were not attractive. Yes, I took over a teenage girl’s bedroom! So far I was pretty happy though. I had more space and that is really all that mattered to me.
Until I moved things from the other room, such as the curtains. This became a real issue, they didn’t fit the window. So, I could make more right? I wish! The fabric was now out of print. 🙁 [envira-gallery id=”653″]
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As you can see by the mess on the cutting table, I didn’t really care if the curtains fit or not. I was still sewing!
The next problem for any seamstress is storage. Sewing requires places to store all the supplies. With supplies in their place, the room looks presentable and everyone is happy. As you can see, organization and storage in this room required a huge overhaul.
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No, the room isn’t completely decorated. But, I was still chugging away and sewing my little heart out. One day a friend called to tell me about her garage sale. Not much for sale really just some furniture from her daughter’s room. She thought I needed. The next thing I knew, she sent me a picture of this furniture.
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WOW! Almost perfect….I’m not a fan of white. Anything looks better with new paint! That furniture would be black in no time!
While shopping for the black paint, I found a can of OOPS paint. It just happened to be pink…and five dollars. Who could resist? Next thing I knew, the ugly, wrong shade of pink fabric was pulled off the walls and the new color applied. I liked the way it looked! So, I headed back to the store for more.
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You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see more of the lab transformation.
Until then…ENJOY!
Quite a transformation. Great job!
Thank you, it’s on it’s way! Still lots of work left to do.