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You know, the hardest thing to find in the Summer is cool Summer clothes that you like to wear. It’s hot. I’m cranky. Honestly, I would rather not get dressed at all. But,I found two patterns that make getting dressed a little less stressful. Butterick 5753 and Simplicity 1165 paired together make a pretty awesome ensemble.
Butterick 5753 has become one of my favorite tops to make this Summer. It’s one of those cool Summer tops you are always glad you have. Kinda funny, the coolness comes from the arms. HaHa The sleeves are pretty much wide open under your arm. But, the top of the sleeve drapes so well, no one would ever know. I made it out of a slinky knit fabric in black. WONDERFUL! I promise you, I sewed this baby up in less than an hour. Really, there’s only two seams on each side. The shoulder seams and the seam connecting the front to the back. [envira-gallery id="1046"]
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My favorite pants to pair this with is Simplicity 1165. I have made about three pair of pants and two pair of shorts using this pattern. I get compliments every single time. The back pockets really add interest and prevent them from looking like your grandma’s elastic waist pants. Additionally there are front pockets which help the overall look also. I use the Dritz Braided Elastic in one inch for the waistband. It’s stiff enough to keep them from looking like elasticized pants. Plus, when I make the pants, I crop them at the ankle. It gives it an Audrey Hepburn feel. Others have reviewed the pants and loved them as well. [envira-gallery id="1050"]
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I love what she did with the shorts pattern to give them the 70’s vibe. See? Pretty variations on how to make this pattern to fit you and your style.