It’s late, your friends are waiting, you are stressed as hell, your wardrobe is lacking! PANIC! Panic, freak out, cry, plan to be better at this whole dressing myself thing later. Later?The capsule did not work. I didn’t have time. I couldn’t stay focused on a palette that was supposed to be for me, the style wasn’t exactly me, and I’m more creative than all that. This is the anti-capsule! Capsule Snapsule!! Okay, one LAST night out wearing less than stellar clothing. Vow to fix that wardrobe problem! This is not a capsule fix. This is real life, mixing, matching, and looking fab sewing it yourself.
A client called me, in the exact situation above! I know this person pretty well. She loves leopard print, black, maroon, lace, and FUN! Okay, so here we go anyone can make those colors work together. PLUS, they work in all seasons.
Here’s what I did:
- Maroon maxi
- White lace Kimono
- Light leopard shorts
- Black mermaid maxi
- Dark Leopard midi circle skirt
- Black Kimono
- Floral top
The pieces work like this:
[envira-gallery id="1228"]
[envira-gallery slug="1228"]
Using these two charts you can get a head start. Everything matches/coordinates/whatever going both down and diagonal. So basically, without even trying very hard and using easy patterns you have an incredible wardrobe!