Can you believe it? Christmas is 21 weeks away, that’s 10 paydays for some, or even fewer (5) for others. I don’t work outside the home anymore so I tend to lose track of things like how soon Christmas will be here. I start shopping around now though, just picking up this and that, you know little things I see that would be cool in a stocking? Stockings are a FAVORITE in my family. So, those get filled first and overfilled so some of the things end up getting wrapped as well. Last year was my first ever handmade Christmas. I made everyone blankets. It started out as me making blankets for the grandchildren, but as their parents caught glimpses of them they wanted one too. Then on Christmas, everyone that didn’t get a blanket wanted one of their own. I also made some throw pillows for one of my daughters.
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Oh, I think I forgot to mention, one week into December, I broke both my arms. Take this as a lesson you do not have to learn. Plan, buy, make Christmas presents early. Sewing with two broken arms was not easy! There are lots of places online for shopping Lucy Lou 918 [envira-gallery id="1289"]
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is a great place for handmade jewelry, aprons, throw pillows, and custom orders. J and T Creations has all your Rock and Roll needs. This girl is amazing! Even if you think you don’t like her style, check it out. I promise someone on your list will need something she has to offer. The Happy Nest has everything else. Seriously, her shop has something for every single person on your Christmas list. Her items are not handmade, so if you feel weird about giving handmade items as presents, be sure to visit her!
If you are Christmas shopping, sitting by the pool, or making something for yourself, ENJOY!