I have been sewing regularly, as in more than three times a week for a year now.  You know what?  I STILL don’t know that much about sewing needles.  I did a little research and wanted to share with you all, “Sewing Needles Demystified”.  It’s so confusing to me how to know when to change the needle, they seem to wear out fast around here.  I think I really make my machine work hard.  In the past week I have sewn a Kimino, four skirts, two tops, shorts, a little girl’s skirt, and a circle top.  I’ve also made a handbag and a bag for my O2.  I guess when I look at it that way, I really am not that hard on my needles, I just sew a lot.  It always seems like they should last longer.

The consensus is not exactly in agreement. Some say after every project, while others feel the need to change them after eight hours. I don’t know, my machine makes this “noise” I know then, I better change the needle or there are going to be some problems. 🙂

After a little searching on a few sites I found enough information to create this downloadable, printable chart.  I think it’s pretty useful for your sewing room. I really haven’t paid much attention to the number on the needle.  I usually go by the name of the needle.  If I am sewing denim, I buy denim needles.

I hope this chart helped someone other than me, just a little. 🙂 ENJOY!