[envira-gallery id=”3519″]Guess what?  There is something new at Lucy’s Lab, you can now, follow my blog with Bloglovin! Oh my goodness, I am so excited to show you something NEW at Lucy’s Lab! [envira-gallery id="1960"]
[envira-gallery slug="1960"]Also, I’ve been gathering photos from fashion magazines and have created a photo journal. I love it!  It’s a great way to skim and not have to scroll through a blog post to find some pictures to inspire you! Eventually I hope to have a lot more inspirations and tutorials for more of the clothing for fall.  I’ve already described to you how to make a vest in this post [envira-gallery id="1696"]
[envira-gallery slug="fur-vest"]  Personally, I cut out all the photos in the magazines that inspire me.  So far I’ve destroyed one magazine and have two more magazines to go.  Anyway, then I get out scissors, glue, and cardboard.  Yes, I pretend I’m in grade school again! I make a collage of the things I like.  Kind of a “to do” list for myself. Eventually I look through the fabrics I have and compare them to what I have on my collage. At this point I’m racking my brain thinking of how I can use the fabric. It happens, in time.  I feel so wonderful wearing what everyone else wants, even better, they can’t find it in the stores even if they try.

Isn’t that why we all sew?  To be unique and different?  They say blue and emerald green are going to be a color combination this year.  I’m stoked to find that out the same day I purchased some blue paisley for pants.  I don’t wear much blue and was really fretting about what I was going to do.  You know, what goes with blue?  Grey and black are always safe, oh and of course another of my least favorites, red.  LOL….see how my problem was growing? I hope you ENJOY the change of seasons.