Does it matter if you are sewing the season’s colors or not? To some people, yes! I’m not so much into the capsule wardrobe as I am into colors. I love the changing seasons, I’m old school, the colors change too. According to Pantone this season’s colors are of the 70’s. In the 70’s I was too young to care about the colors I wore or what entity decided those colors. As long as it had Raggedy Ann on it I was happy!
I became curious, who is PANTONE? Why do we care what they think about color? I did a little checking on Pinterest. They have actually been doing this color prediction since 1963. I have no idea why America just recently found this information provided by Pantone as relevant. Well, I have been shopping for my fabric to use in the coming seasons. I did not take my Pantone list with me, take a look though, Pantone is pretty dead on with my choices. Here are my choices.[envira-gallery id="2095"]
[envira-gallery slug="lucys-fall-colors"]
Pantone’s choices are below[envira-gallery id="2098"]
[envira-gallery slug="pantone-fall-2015"]
I love the way the stones were added to the color to show just like on the color wheel, there are tints and tones of the color which are completely acceptable. WWD, Women’s Wear Daily breaks down the colors and explains them more in depth the pictures below are from their site.[envira-gallery id="2100"]
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I’m over the top excited about my new wardrobe this season. I picked up sewing again a year ago and have not bought any clothing since. The exception is Thrift Store purchases, those are used as fabric. I’ll be adding another post with more color information for those interested. Also, I’ll be compiling an album of Pantone Fall 2015 you’ll find here. As the weather changes so will your wardrobes, ENJOY!