My favorite holiday in the Universe is BLACK FRIDAY! My favorite store to hit
just released their ads! I am too excited for this. Let me tell you, they have some great deals waiting to be taken advantage of on BLACK FRIDAY. Stores open Friday, yay Joann’s for taking that holiday! But, they open at 6am, you know what that means, leave those cute PJs you sewed up last week on your body and HIT THE LINES![envira-gallery id=”2329″]
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Here is an example of what is going to be waiting for your cart!
25% off your entire order
75% off their Holiday Cheer line, not sure if it’s everything but it looks good to me. Who doesn’t LOVE 75% off?
Anti-Pill Fleece (earlybird) 75% off
Apparel Fabrics (earlybird) 60% off
Big Twist Rainbow Classic Yarn 50% off
Blizzard Fleece 75% off
Caron One Pound Chunky Yart 30% off
CHRISTMAS fabrics 75% off
Fiskars cutting tools 60% off
Kids learning Crafts 50% off
Kids learning kits 50% off
Lion Brand chunky Yarnd 30% off
Kids Learning Toys (Assorted) 50% off
No-Sew 72-in. Fleece Throw Kits 60% off
Quilters Showcase Cotton Prints 60% off
Strung Beads 60% off
DRESSFORMS!!!!!!!! 60% off guess what I’m excited about?
OttLite Lighting 60% off
Singer Sewing Machines (Assorted) 40% off
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OF course this isn’t all… knew the sale would continue and get better on SATURDAY!LADIES, ENJOY YOUR SHOPPING!