I found my serger! After too much research, comparing, interviewing, and asking for demonstrations I found the one! You see, I have a friend whose a “real” designer. One of her designs even made it to the red carpet. I asked her opinion on which one to buy and why. I really, really wanted a Singer. You see, I’m married to Singer! Love at first sight for us. Singer got us through the 80’s and when I started sewing again, Singer was my first choice. She assured me Singer was a great choice.
She then told me she used JUKI. I asked why, I mean, who wouldn’t want to know, right? She told me she worked with and worked on a lot of different machine brands. JUKI is the strongest and best produced machine, in her opinion. So, of course I kept researching. My researched turned up the same information she already gave me. JUKI is a very well made machine and the lowest end of the line performs just as well as the top of the line. The company was given the Deming Prize for quality control in the manufacturing of industrial sewing machines in 1981. If you would like more information and convincing of the brand go here. Amazon testimonials are also a great source for information when looking for a new machine. The machine I am looking at buying is the Juki MO-50E 3/4 Thread Serger, the customer reviews made me a believer! ENJOY
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