The Serger
I’ve been reading, and reading, and reading about the this toy/machine.  I read so much I decided I can’t live without one. So, I purchased this beautiful piece of machinery. [envira-gallery slug=”juke-serger”]  I threaded it, on my own, and actually sewed some old Levi jeans as a test run.  Do not try to sew over the seams.  I broke my needle and to replace it, which I’m working on right now; you have to use the teeniest allen wrench known to man.

I would recommend getting a Bachelor’s degree in sewing with a serger before doing anything fancy. While studying I found you some really great sites:
Crocheting with Your Serger This is a bit advanced, but since it’s my favorite I had to post it first.
How to unpick Serger Stitches I promise, this is the best part of owning one!
Gathering on a Serger Some sites tell you how many feet you need for your already expensive machine. This one does NOT!
Four Signs you should Invest in a Serger
Flat locking One of my very favorite posts!
MUST Print I promise, you will be so thankful you printed this. Every word you need to know, and it is FREE, well expect for the ink and paper.
Best Stitch Guide EVER
TEN best Serger Tips
National Serger month Great make and takes and wonderful advice.

Please before you embark upon this journey, read up on the machine and make it less scary. This list is less intimidating than you may believe at first. Just relax and soon it will be your friend and you will wonder how you ever made anything without this machine. Do not listen to those telling you how many feet are needed to properly use this machine. I promise there are ways around everything.