Capsule planning is a huge ordeal.  I’ve been working on mine.  I know now that in order to do capsule wardrobe planning you need to determine your body shape. I found Joy of Clothes has a great blog on finding your personal body shape.  Most of this we may already know. I’ve been dressing for my shape for years and just not realizing why some things worked and others didn’t.  Those things that didn’t work, required extra accessories to make them “work”.  At least they looked good in my mind. 🙂  If you really want to get technical, you can also figure out your colors.  I remember as a child doing this with the grown ups.  Color me Beautiful was a huge book that changed a lot of peoples opinion of colors for themselves.  With the wonderment of the internet, we no longer have to have a consultant visit our home.  The link directs you to the quiz to determine your colors.

So, once your colors and body shape are figured out, you can get down to business.  My capsule is more of the stay at home mom capsule.  Even though I don’t have kids here with me 🙂  I still like to look good.  My body shape is a rectangle and I’m a winter.  Using these three things I was able to find patterns and colors for my wardrobe.  I wasn’t sure how many pieces I needed to have, so I used a formula that will require one laundry day a week, at most!  Here’s the colors I chose [envira-gallery id="738"]
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I have most of these colors in my stash of fabric, that made my choices easier.  Then I decided on


three of which are denim.

two shorts

one pants

black skirt

patterned pants (cream, brown, pink)

black and cream check pants

leopard print (I haven’t decided yet, probably cigarette pants)


I won’t bore you with all the different tops.

They all match with at least three of the bottoms

This was easier since three of my bottoms are denim 😉


skater dress

maxi dress


shift dress    ***the beauty of these is they do not have to match anything else in your wardrobe!

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I mix and match patterns that I own and garments I have already made and arrived at around 33 different outfits.  I’ve been buying the same colors for my wardrobe for quite awhile though. Also keep in mind, only one of my bottoms is a print that cannot readily mix with all the solids in my wardrobe.  The pink, brown, cream pants are a little limiting, but not bad.  The hardest part probably is going to be throwing things away in my closet.